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How will the cyclathon work?

The cyclathon will consist of 16 individual races that will last a maximum of 25 mins each. 

After each race, the times and miles will be recorded and added to each team’s total time and miles completed. At the end of all of the races, we will review the times and award the fastest female, male and team.


How long is each race?

The virtual course length is approximately 18km and should take around 25mins to complete unless you have decided to take part in more than 1 race.


What time does the cyclathon start and end?

The first race will start at 07.45 BST and the last race will start at 17:00 BST.


All races should end by 17:30 BST. 


What will happen before the cyclathon?

Cyclists will need to arrive at least 10 mins prior to their agreed time slot for the safety briefing and race instructions.

What will happen during the cyclathon?

After the first race, we will award the team with the fastest time the ‘Yellow Jersey’ and the team who is in the lead for the most money raised, the ‘Polka Dot Jersey’. The teams who are awarded these ‘jerseys’ will need to maintain their lead if they want to retain them.


What kind of bikes will be used?
We have partnered with the same company as last year, so the Wattbikes are back! Please click here for more details on the bikes.  


How many persons per team?

Each team will consist of up to 16 cyclists (including a team captain) unless there are persons who have decided to compete in multiple races.


It is advisable to have a few reserves in case there are any dropouts on the day. 


Team Captain responsibilities?

Team captains will need to ensure that their cyclists show up on time to their agreed time slots. If there are any changes or dropouts, the team captain should try and fill the available slots as soon as possible. 

If a rider does not show up for their agreed time slot, the team will forfeit that time slot if a replacement is not found for the start of that race. Once a race starts, the organisers will not be able to make any changes!


Where is it taking place?

The races will take place outside the ExCo offices on the Main Trade Floor (2nd floor of 5NC). To access the area, use either the small or main lifts doors. If any of your team members do not have access to the floor, please let us know and we will provide temporary access for the day.

What do I wear?

T-Shirts* will be provided so you will just need to walk with your own cycling shorts or gym/tracksuit bottoms, closed toe shoes (e.g. trainers) and a towel. Or if you or your team would prefer to cycle in a costume then, by all means, do so.  Just make sure what you wear is comfortable!


*We will try our best to accommodate your T-shirt size request from your online registration form however this will be subject to availability of stock at the time of printing. 



We will provide the riders with water but you can also bring your own water or energy drinks if you prefer.


Where can we get ready?

Cyclists can use the main toilets on either side of the 1st and 2nd Floors of 5NC as well as the changing rooms/showers on the 4th Floor of 5NC.


Where can we leave our bags?

There is a cloakroom close to the race area where cyclists will be able to leave their bags or belongings. 


Will my colleagues be able to come and watch the race?

They can if they have access to the 2nd Floor (5NC), but they will need to be mindful of the persons sitting close by.


Prizes? Prizes will be awarded to the following:

·         Fastest Female

·         Fastest Male

·         Fastest Team

·         Team that raised the most money


What’s happening after the race?

Prize giving and celebratory drinks will be held from 18:00 BST at Pagination, Canary Wharf

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Cris Cancer Foundation  |Reg.char.num. 1140193 | 43 Sussex St SW1V 4RJ London

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